We support the American Red Cross because:

First, in the event of a house fire, damaging storm, or other disaster, the American Red Cross Disaster Response Unit is there!
For residents of Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey, our local chapters provide fast and concrete assistance. What do they do? They provide a few nights of shelter, food, and clothing.
And nationally, they’re the group thats set up temporary shelters in the event of a large scale disasters such as hurricanes or floods.
Second, the Red Cross feeds emergency workers during a disaster. Ever wonder how that army of volunteers keeps going? Yup! It’s the Red Cross that feeds and supports their good work.
Third, the Red Cross provides CPR and First Aid Training for individuals and businesses. Every month, our local Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey chapters offer a variety of courses. They teach you to help yourself, your family, and your friends in the event of accident or illness.
Fourth, we support the American Red Cross because they provide blood and blood products to disaster victims. Red Cross Blood Drives provide life’s most precious liquid.
Because blood is in short supply in the Delaware Valley, please consider becoming a blood donor today!
Fifth, the American Red Cross helps folks communicate. Ever wonder how family members who get separated during a disaster find each other?
Yup! It’s the Red Cross.
During a disaster, they receive thousands of inquiries from concerned family members outside disaster areas. Then, they connect folks in the disaster zone to available communication resources. In addition, the Red Cross provides a special emergency communication program for senior citizens or people with special needs. It’s called the Lifeline Personal Response Service.

And, their assistance with communications doesn’t end there. The American Red Cross world-wide communication services help keep military personnel in touch with their families. Following the death or serious illness of a family member or other important events, like the birth of a child, the Red Cross keeps people connected.
Not only that, the Red Cross works with the military aid societies. Together they provide financial assistance for emergency travel. They also provide assistance that can’t wait until the next business day. Sometimes it’s food, temporary lodging, or urgent medical needs. Sometimes, it’s help in the form of financial assistance to avoid eviction and utility shut off.
In addition, the American Red Cross offers confidential counseling services to all military personnel and their families. This includes all active duty service men and women as well as the members of the National Guard and Reserves and veterans! Guidance, information, referrals and other social services are available through their worldwide network of chapters and offices on military installations.
Along with their work with people, the Red Cross offers Pet aid in the event of disasters. In addition, they also provide information on how to keep your pet safe during a disaster. But more than that, they provide education for pet owners, showing them how to prepare in advance.
Finally, the American Red Cross provides education, information, and training for Emergency and Disaster Preparedness for individuals and businesses.
Want to learn more about a specific chapter in our area? Visit their website!
Camden County Chapter
Burlington County Chapter
South Eastern Pennsylvania Chapter (Philadelphia)
The American Red Cross gives so much. And now, it’s time for us to give back!
Please consider making a donation today to help this great organization!